Monday, April 18, 2005

try-outs galore

Okay, well I tried out for the UT pom squad this weekend and, big surprise, I didn't make it. Going in I figured my age would either be a positive or a negative, not neutral. Well, I think it was a negative. It's not a big deal, I didn't really have time to do it anyway, it's just something I've always wanted to do and I thought it would be fun. If on friday I had been a senior in high school, I think I could've made it. Makes me wish I hadn't hated the Aggie Dance Team director so much, and I could have done that. Oh well. Now I'm just gonna try out for the Austin Wranglers Cheerleaders. I've got alot of working out to do before then becuase a better body will give me a better chance. I might try out for the UT dance team too, but just for practice.

So other than that Danny and I spent the rest of the weekend eating. I hadn't let myself eat yummy things in a while, so I engorged myself. Now it's back to trying to eat fairly healthy and running every night. Speaking of which, did you know you're supposed to run on the balls of your feet? All this time I've been running heel-toe. Turns out that's bad bad bad. Makes my shins hurt. So not only do I have to work on running farther, but I have to learn to run on the balls of my feet. That wouldn't be as hard if I didn't run so slow. I also realized that Danny can walk as fast as I run, so he's probably going to beat me in the 5K we're gonna do. *sigh*

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