Tuesday, April 26, 2005

UT, please get that stick out of your butt...

Okay, so UT has some ridiculous rules regarding your EID password. Now, because of these rules, I have forgotten my password about 3 times and had to change it every time. They say these rules are to protect my identity, but what they're really doing is instead of letting me pick a password I can remember, they want me to pick one I can't remember, write it down so I can, and leave that piece of paper somewhere to make it easier for someone to steal my identity. *sigh*

There are several requirements you must follow when setting up your UT EID Password:

* Your password must be between 8 and 20 characters in length.
* You may not re-use any of your last 10 passwords.
* Your password cannot contain blanks.
* Your password must contain letters, numbers, and special characters. The special characters that are permitted are ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = , < > : ; " ' ..
* Your password cannot contain any words found in our dictionary or common proper nouns of four letters or longer. In addition, common letter transpositions are not allowed (for example @ for a, ! for i, or zero for O).
* Your password cannot contain your UT EID.
* Your password cannot contain your first or last name.
* Your password cannot contain your birthday in any form.
* Your password cannot contain your Social Security Number.

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