Monday, April 04, 2005


Danny and I bought a house on friday. Yay. This house thing went pretty fast. I think we've only been seriously looking about a month or so, and I've only been out with the realtor twice. The realtor had us set up on an automatic search, and I saw this house and said I really liked it. We went and looked at it over easter weekend and decided we really liked it. Danny's parents came and saw it that week, and then we put an offer on it on wednesday. We finally settled on an offer on friday, so now we signed the papers, and on April 28, it's ours. :) We're not living in it until august, though. That's okay, cause I have all summer to paint and do anything I want while it's empty. Danny's going to go ahead and move his stuff in, but most of it will be in the garage. So yeah, I'm excited. It should be a good house. I'll post a picture or two when I get home and can use Picassa to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and Danny! How exciting! I'm so proud of you guys! :)