Friday, March 18, 2005

More mean people

So I really want to post, but I just don't know what to say. So much has happened recently I don't know where to start, or if it's ready to be posted. I guess I just want to know how someone can hurt someone's feelings and not even care. I'll start with this story I suppose.
We had a prospective student come in town this week to visit the department. We'll call him Charlie. Whenever a prospective comes, the grad students take them out to do various things. We made the mistake of letting Charlie go out with one particular grad student (lets call him Bob). Bob is always making gay jokes and comments. Well, as it turns out, Charlie is gay, and was extremely offended by Bob's actions.
So now, instead of feeling bad for acting this way and hurting Charlie's feelings, several grad student have taken to making fun of the kid instead. They've judged him and laughed that Charlie is Catholic, because in their opinion it's impossible to be any sort of Christian and be gay. They say they're offended that he's offended. I just don't understand. Bob student feels absolutely no remorse and doesn't see any reason why he might need to reevaluate his actions, and a couple other students have taken to defending him. (Interestingly one of those students is the Mean Christian I posted about earlier. (When I posted I made it plural because everyone this guy hangs out with are just as mean). This guy just keeps proving me more and more right about him. He fails to see how making fun of people who are gay is the same thing as making fun of people who are black or whatever.
I can't wait for the day where people can accept people for who they are. I doubt it will come any time soon, but hopefully it will come in my lifetime. Homosexuals are people too. They have feelings just like you and me. I just wish people would take a minute to consider other people before they pass judgement. I'm tired of people using religion as a reason to hate other people. This is what has pushed me so far from religion recently. In my opinion religion should be something that brings people together, not tears them apart. That's why I've become so interested in Unitarianism.
Okay, that's all.


Anonymous said...

I have four beautiful words for you: FOUR MORE MONTHS.

Then we get to hang out with who we chose, keep in touch with who we want to, and stop having to grin and bear it.

Two things about the other night made me the most angry. First, you don't invite someone to say, Jane's house, that you know Jane doesn't like. That's just rude. Second, you don't lie to Jane other people about doing something stupid, like, say, drinking for 12 hours and then driving to another state. Seriously, Jane's not trying to be your mom, just trying to look out for a friend. Jeez louise.

(Sorry for turning your blog into my ranting, Jacki :)

Anonymous said...

Awww crud... I meant three words.... That's what I get for posting at 5:30am.