Friday, April 08, 2005

Puppy Kindergarten and my oath

I signed Lily up for Puppy Kindergarten, an expensive class that will hopefully help me train her. Unfortunately she can't go until she's had her second Parvo shot and she wont' have that for another month. So we start May 10. Hopefully we can make it until then. She's lost her mind. She's obviously feeling better because she's been going freaking nuts and she's biting alot more. Hmmm... She's been growing alot, hopefully she doesnt get too big before we get into our house. She's cute, though. :)

I just realized I still have alot to do for my thesis. I'm starting to get scared. Eeek! Here's to actually working for the next few weeks. I must spend 0 time surfing the internet while at work. Here's my oath.

"I Jacki, promise to only check the dailykos once in the morning and once in the afternoon while at work. I also promise to limit my email checking to once an hour. I will also only look at the google news headlines once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I hereby swear to not compulsively check people's away messages and blogs/journals. I promise to work at least 8 hours every day and to put in at least 1 extra night a week. Lastly, I will only go out to lunch once a week, spending the rest of my lunches working. I do all this with the knowledge and faith that in two months I will be free! (Sort of)."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you...

"I, Catherine, promise to only check the MSN and CNN once in the morning and once in the afternoon while at work. I also promise to limit my email checking to once three times during the workday. I hereby swear to not compulsively check people's away messages and blogs/journals (specially since a certain individual named Jacki doesn't update her journal every hour like my mind tells me). I promise to work at least 8 hours every day. I will be my upmost productive self every single day, Monday through Friday. Lastly, I will only go out to lunch once a week (my free-from-diet-day), spending the rest of my lunches in the office working. And during my free-from-diet-day, I promise to not overeat, to limit the portion amount to the size of my palm, as Oprah told me in her magazine. I will look at my motivation picture every half hour to remind myself of my goal. I do all this with the knowledge and faith that in a few months I will be 20 lbs lighter (hopefully). I also do all this with the knowledge that this will make me a more desireable employee, a person I can be proud of."

Thank you :)