Sunday, April 10, 2005

Run Thru the Vines

So yesterday I ran my first ever 5K.
Okay okay, pick yourself up off the ground and get back in the chair. Ready?
I ran my first ever 5K. If you had asked me at any point in my life until yesterday at 10 am, I would have told you that I would die if I ran a 5K. Well, it turns out I didn't die, and I didn't do half bad. I ran it in 36:19 minutes. My pace was 11:32 minutes per mile, which is good because my goal was less than a 12 minute mile.
I don't think any of that is half bad considering Jamie and I decided to do this on thursday evening, and I've never ran 3 miles. I usually run at the rec, but I usually only run between 1 and 2 miles. Now that I know I won't die I'm going to attempt to run between 2 and 3 every time I go.
I'm addicted to 5Ks now. I'm going to run as many as possible. My next one is April 30th when Danny's in town. (If miss erin would like to run one with me I could do one the weekend before) My goal for it is less than an 11 minute mile. I'd really l ike it if I could run it in 33 minutes. We'll see. I really want to beat Danny which shouldn't be difficult since he never runs. :)


Alicia said...

I am so amazed and proud. I was at a party last night where two people were talking about running marathons. Uh huh. So I got myself on the treadmill this morning. Everyone around me is running! What is the world coming to?

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Good job! I can't imagine running 5K. Walking's a breeze, but running? No thanks. I'll leave that for you to do :) You should be proud :)