Monday, November 06, 2006

flutz and camel

I started working on my lutz yesterday. It's proving to be much more difficult than I anticipated. Today, I did land 1 flutz, though. I also started working on a camel spin. It's not going so great right now, but it's just beginning.
I'm going to get tested in January. I'm trying to decide between taking the standard moves in the field tests and the adult ones. I like the idea of the standard ones because I may want to do a little coaching sometime. I also think that I will have to work harder and my skating skills should be stronger if I do the standard track. Oh decisions.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well...this weekend it happened. I finally landed a REAL flip! I had been getting pretty consistent with my loops, and I could land flips 1/4-1/2 rotation short (which is alot, I know). Then friday night someting happened and I started doing big, fully-rotated flips. It is officially my favorite jump. Everytime I go I do at least 30 of them.
Yesterday I started trying to work on the lutz, but it just feels awkward and I am having trouble commiting to the jump.
I only have 2.5 more weeks until my competition in Dallas. I am only competing against one other person in compulsories and freeskate. So that's a little boring. I still don't have my artistic routine put together, so I really need to work on that. I guess it's good I'm not competing against anyone in that event. :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In the past week I've...

landed my loop and my flip!!!! What a week. :) :) :)

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Pictures from my first competition can be found here.
I want to buy one, I just can't decide which one.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I really don't update this thing enough. Since I started teaching I really haven't had time.
I skated in my first competition, the Houston Invitational. I didn't do very well on my compulsories. I had been having problems with my scratch spin the week prior, and it just didn't happen. So I got 3/3 on that. I feel like I skated really well on my freeskate. I got 5/6, so I was really disapointed with that. I felt like I should have gotten at least 4th. Oh well, my first competition is out of the way, and I am working hard for the next one. I'm going to be going to the bunnyhop open in Dallas at the end of october. My sister and I are putting together an artistic program for me to do. I'm pretty excited about that.
I started skating in my new skates this week. I love them, they are making a big difference in my skating. I started actually doing a loop yesterday! I am still 3-turnig out of most of them, but this is an improvement over what I had been doing. My flip, I am getting full rotation, but I am still two-footing it. I am also working on a flip-split for my artistic.
These new skates have made a good difference in my spinning. I started working on my sit spin yesterday, and on my next freestyle, we're going to start working on a camel spin.
So I'm feeling good. Hopefully I can start getting full rotation on this loop, and that then I can get the flip. Other than that, I'm looking forward to my next competition, ad I love love love my new skates. :)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

loop d'loop

I've decided that I'm tired of not being able to jump. I skate really well, I just can't jump. So yesterday I started serious work on my loop again (even though this should probably wait until I have new skates since the ones I'm currently skating in don't fit perfectly...but whatever...I digress). So I have been focusing too much on trying to land on one foot, but I haven't really been able to get the height and rotation. I've decided to change my philosophy and work on the takeoff, getting height, and getting around. I figure once I make it all the way around it should be easy(ish) to land on one foot. So yesterday I did about a billion. I am seeing progress, I am getting more comfortable with the process of taking off. I switched my entry to a mohawk which i'm feeling better about as well. So hopefully in a few weeks I'll have a loop. Once I get that it's onto the flip.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Slow it down!!!

Well, I spent 3 hours at the rink last night. Although probably an hour of that was spent eating dinner waiting for the crazies to leave. My sister taught me my compulsory routine for Houston (posted below). Overall last night went decent. My scratch spins are going okay (certainly not great). My salchow is okay as well. I'm still way too timid on my toe-loop and half the time I barely even use my toepick.
My biggest problem with my skating is that I'm way too powerful for my own good. When I enter my scratch spins and salchows at the speed I feel comfortable at, the elements fall apart. When I slow down and enter them carefully, they are usually pretty decent. that I know my compulsory routine, my plan is to practice practice practice, but mainly practice slowing it down.
I'm still waiting in anticipation for my new boots. I can't wait to get them. Reidell told my fitter that they should ship the last week in july or the first week in August. She says the usually tell her longer than they actually take, but this is the last week in July and they're still not here. :( I'm really hoping I can get them broken in before Houston.

Compulsory routine:
Stroking towards my right, CCW forward crossovers into left, outside edge spiral. Mohawk, CCW backwards crossovers to landing position. Step onto left forward outside edge, check, salchow. Step onto left forward outside edge, stroke, 3-turn into half-flip. Forward CCW crossovers, mohawk, backward CCW crossovers, switch to CW crossovers into scratch spin.
(sorry these notes suck...this is my first time to write program notes out!)

Monday, July 24, 2006

4 hours of skating!

So I skated for 4 hours on saturday. Let's just say my body was very tired by the time I left. Ever since I switched skates my scratch spin and my salchow have been really off (not that they were that great to start with). So my sister and I worked on those. Turns out I'm leaning too far over in my salchow entrance. I need to keep my upper-body more upright and I can land them alot better. I also need to make sure I check before jumping. For my scratch spin I'm also leaning too much with this, I need to keep my upper body upright in the preparation, then when I step into the spin, I need to concentrate on not dipping my left arm. I also need to kick myself of my spotting habits. I tend to spot the first couple rotations and not the rest. *bad jacki*

I don't know if I posted, but I finally splurged and ordered a pair of silver star boots. I have a pair of proffessional blades that I'm going to put on them. I also registered for the Houston Invitational which is Labor day weekend. I'm hoping I'll have my new skates broken in (I'm hoping to get them by the end of this month) and can wear them for that. I'm also hoping to start learning my program this week. I'm skating to the Days of Thunder theme, and I'm pretty excited. Of course I think figure skating is going to be difficult for me because I am a compulsive counter of music (thanks to my dance background). So I really think everything should have an exact count, and I know it's not that way in skating. *sigh*

In other news, I got a teaching job! I'm going to be teaching pre-cal and algebra I at a local high school. I'm pretty nervous, but excited too.

Sunday, July 16, 2006 I did it. I shelled out half-a-grand on figure skating. I ordered a pair of Riedell Silver Stars. I'm pretty nervous about the arch issues I've had, but I'm hoping that havig a good-fitting boot will solve some of those problems. I also registered for the Houston Invitational. My first competition. Eek! Hopefully Riedell will have my boots in stock and I can get them this week. Otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do about skating.
I went skating today, and I've been working on my power-3's, and have them pretty good. I've got my waltz 3's to the left pretty decent, but my right leave something to be desired. This of course means my waltz 8's also leave something to be desired. My spins have been very off, I can't even get one revolution since I switched skates. I'm trying to not worry too much about it until I get in my new skates.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Okay, well I've skated twice in my new skates. The first time I just skated in them as is. That didn't Ow...arches...achey. :( The second time I bought some insoles. That made a slight improvement, but the arches are still hurting me something fierce. I'm also still having a heel slipping problem, which I know is very not good. Also, I still have these old blades that have barely any toepick on them, so I am scared to jump. So halfway through skating I decided my feet hurt and I wanted to jump. So I go back and put on my old skates...I step on the ice and almost fall on my face. Those blades (Ultima IV) are TERRIBLE, they are so much slower than whatever these ones I have on the new skates are. I was expecting to go somewhere and i just felt like it was slow motion. So I force myself to make one lap around the rink, get off, and put the new skates back on. So I knew these old blades sucked, but I had no idea exactly how bad they were. I really want to make my sister put them on just so she can feel my pain. :) No wonder I had such a hard time with that damn loop. :-p
So now for my third try in the new skates. I have two insoles in there, this made them fit nice and snugly (I've decided that these are still a 1/2 size too big), seems to take the edge off the arches, and seems to fix the heel problem. We'll see. I'm going to skate in them this weekend. Hopefully they'll work out for now. I'm pretty sure that within a few months, I'm going to have to get new boots. But my first priority right now is new blades. Hmmm...proffesional or phantom...I just don't know what to do.

Monday, June 26, 2006

new skates...sorta

Okay, well I bought some new skates off ebay. (I am in desperate need of skates, but I just can't afford to spend $600 right now, so I'm hoping that with this pair I can upgrade the blade and boot individually). They are Riedell bronze star and the blade is supposed to be Double Star, but I really think that it is either Club 2000 or Excel (yuck!). My sister got a pair of phantom blades off ebay that were supposed to be for her daughter, but the person selling them got mixed up on what size they were, so they fit me. So I think I'm going to put those on. Only thing is, they've been sharpened so much I'm not sure they can be sharpened anymore. Hmmm...she's going to find out this week for me. Even if I can wear them I'm sure they have at most one or two sharpenings left.
So onto my new blade delimma. I have always (until this most recent pair of skates) skated on Phantom blades. I love them, it's what I feel comfortable on. I have found some new for $350 from tidewaterice (although I've ordered from them before and it was a horrible experience, so I'm a little hesitent to order again). So that's a really good deal on the phantoms. My delimma is, I"m not sure I want to spend that right now. I could go ahead and get the MK professional (I want to for sure stay with the same rocker as the phantoms so I can easily upgrade later). But they are almost $200. Part of my is like, if I'm going to spend $200 on something, why don't I just spend the extra $150 and get what I want. I am just so indicisive with this.
Onto the boots. Like I said, they are Riedell bronze star, I think they are a couple years old, but they are in great condition. They seem to fit almost perfectly. Perfect length, perfect width in the toes. 2 problems I can see so far: 1) I think they might be a tad too wide in the heal 2) the arches are way too high for my flat feet. So I'm trying to figure out some way around these two problems. I'm thinking bunga pads might help the heal width issue (as well as help the rubbing at the top of the boot). But the arch issue I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking some sort of insole might help, but I'm not sure. Anyone have this problem? Also, if you do, what brand boot do you wear for low arches?
I figure next time I will spend the money and get new boots, I just wanted to be able to upgrade my boots and blades individually to try to spread out some of the cost.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Okay, I'm not dead, I promise. I just haven't had anything interesting to write about, nor have I had the motivation. The skating has really stalled. I think I am really out of the range of my current skates, but I don't want to spend $500 on new skates. So, I am in the process of trying to get new skates, and it's going slowly but surely. I am probably going to do a competition in Houston over labor day weekend. I am really nervous about the thought of that. It really freaks me out that I am so nervous about a competition. I have danced and performed my whole life, and I LOVE performing. My problem is, I'm not very confident in my skating, so that makes me nervous. I'm hoping that with new skates, I will get a boost in confidence.
I have decided to start taking dance lessons again. I found a studio in Westlake and I'm planning on taking a ballet and Jazz class. Hopefully between this and skating I can whip my butt back into shape because let's face it...I hate running.
Right now, though, I'm not doing anything except working and taking teacher certification classes. I work from 8:30-6 and then I have my class from 6:30-9:30, and then I go home and go to bed only to do the same thing the next day. It is getting really old. Only one more month and I can get back to skating and start dancing again!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Big Oil

Okay, so I am REALLY tired of people bitching about oil prices. This has been a long time coming. Sure we can argue that the oil companies are corrupt and are fixing the price, but whatever. This is just the beginning. Oil prices are going to do nothing but continue to rise (especially as our supplies start to dwindle). We've made our bed, and now it's time to lie in it. All this time, we should have been passing resolutions increasing the fuel efficiency for vehicles rather than letting the oil companies get their way. (many) Democrats have been pushing for increased CAFE standards for years only to be outvoted by republicans. Now Bush is pretending to sweep in with this novel about we increase fuel efficiency! Bullshit. Okay, that's my rant, this pisses me off too much to write much more. Basically, I'm tired of hearing people who voted for Bush and drive SUV's bitching about oil prices. I only have one thing to say: get used to it.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Discouraged I am completely and totally discouraged with my skating. I keep trying to remind myself that I haven't been able to skate that much, so I can't expect much, but I just feel like I'm at this plateau, and I'm not going anywhere.
So after that day of actually doing at least 50 loop jumps, I haven't been able to do one again. *sigh* And not only have I not been able to do one, they've gotten completely terrible.

So, my sister is going to start coaching me on the wednesday night freestyle session and maybe the saturday morning freestyle. My goal this summer is to get at least 6 hours/week of skating in. Hopefully once I'm able to skate more often I'll start to see some improvement again.
My goal is to take the pre-bronze test this summer and to skate in a competition sometime this summer as well. We'll see, though.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I did it!

So I went skating today to try to get rid of some of the frustration of this week, and I got my loop! Now...don't get me wrong, these loops are small and ugly, but they're a start. I'm so very excited. :) Okay, not much time to write now.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Life update...whining within

Okay, so I've had a crappy couple of days. Yesterday my backpack was stolen from the student union on campus. In it was my wallet and my (barely 2 month old) cell phone. Aside from losing my stuff, I've had a difficult time emotionally with this and I'm not sure exactly why. On top of all of this, I've just been feeling really lonely lately. Literally my only friend in Austin is my husband, and as much as I love him, and I love being married to him, I've just always been the person who needs more than that. To top that off, all of my grad school friends are skattered around the country, and my undergrad friends are in either Houston or Dallas having a great time hanging out with eachother. And I'm terrible at calling people and chattig on the phone, and it's practically impossible without my cell phone.
Okay, I'm going to stop whining and feeling sorry for myself. I'm going ice skating tomorrow to try to relax. Hopefully my leg holds up and it all goes well. I think I'm just going to work on spins and MIF. It turns out (literally) that on my scratch spin I'm turning out my right leg as I bring it in and down (thanks to years of dance, there's really no other way) so I need to retrain myself to turn it in.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Well, yesterday I had an MRI on my leg, and let me tell you, for the bargain price of $1000 (so generously paid for by my insurance company, thank you) I got to have THE BEST time of my life. No seriously. Why don't they tell you before you go that you can't wear anything metal? Or that you're going to have to lay there for AN HOUR and you're not allowed to do anything, including move? Okay, so I get there and they tell me to take off all metal including my skirt and my bra. they give me some shorts to wear but tell me my shirt is "just fine". JUST FINE?!?! Excuse me, but it is quite form-fitting, and in case you didn't know, you just told me to take off my bra. Now, I don't walk around without a bra on in my own house, much less the doctor's office. Okay, enough of that, though. So I lay there for an hour (I'm quite sure I moved my leg at least once) and it's finally over. Now I have to wait for the radiologist to review it (you know, the one that only works 1 day a week and makes 1,000,000,000,000,000 dollars?), and then I'll know what the deal is. I'm really hoping for that stress fracture.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Things you have to believe to be a Republican today.....

Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.

Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.

Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.

The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.

A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches, while slashing veterans' benefits and combat pay.

If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.

A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.

Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy, but providing health care to all Americans is socialism. HMOs and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart

Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.

A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense, but a president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.

Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George Bush's driving record is none of our business.

Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the '80s is irrelevant.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Leg ouch...

Not much time for me to update, but I went to the doctor yesterday. He thinks that it's either a stress fracture or something to do with my nerve, I'm not sure. So it looks like I'll be getting an MRI to see if it's a stress fracture. Guess I probably won't be doing much skating for a while. My last lesson is tomorrow. I'm hoping that we'll work on spins, but I'm sure it'll be jumps.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

New Skates, no skating

Okay, so I haven't done much skating over the past month, therefore not many updates. I have a leg injury, although I'm not exactly sure what it is. The doctor says he thinks it's probably a stress fracture although nothing is showing up on my x-rays. I really think it's because of my skates. I got a pair of skates for christmas, and at the time I wasn't planning on skating more than occasionally for fun. So anyway, they are well below my level, and they've been hurting this one spot.
So that brings me to my recent decision to get new skates. I've only had the current ones for a few months, so I hate to spend the money, but I just can't keep skating on the ones I have. So, now I just have to decide what to get.
Oh yeah, congrats to Kimmie Meissner for such a great skate at worlds! I love that girl, I think that she is fantastic.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Okay, so a full week since I started getting sick, and I'm STILL sick. *ugh* I have a small eye infection, so I'm not supposed to be wearing contacts, but I find it impossible to skate in glasses, so I put in a pair of my old prescription I had left over and headed to my ice skating class. The contacts sucked. I could barely see anything (my prescription has changed that much), and I still have a head cold.

So this was my first day in freestyle. I worked on scratch spins and sit spins and they are MUCH better. I also worked on backspins which still suck. Then we worked on loops and guess what? I actually did 2 very small very ugly ones. Although, my sister had me doing them with my left foot on the ice, and this coach has me doing them with my left foot off the ice. This way seems much harder, but I guess I'll stick with it since that's what he wants. We also did a couple of half-flips, nothing too exciting about those, though. I think that by the time these 4 weeks are over, I should have the loop and flip. We'll see, though. Okay that's all I have to report now.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I guess I never wrote about last wednesday. I went skating and I took my basic 4 test. So that's done with. It was a really off night for my jumps, and it was too crowded to do much spinning. My niece was sick, and it turns out she didn't feel like keeping that to herself. Danny and I went to Vegas this weekend, and that's when it started hitting me. I haven't been able to get out of bed today. Of course, I slept all day, so here I am at 4 in the morning, unable to sleep. Anyway, I was hoping to skate on thursday, but I guess I'm just going to have to see how I'm feeling.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Public Service Announcement


I'll write a detailed explanation as to why later on when I have more time, but until then. DON'T DO IT!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

slow and steady wins the race?

Okay, so I had a good day skating yesterday, I guess. I worked alot on loops. I finally have the half loop where I actually take off from my edge, I don't cheat and use my toepick like I was initially doing. I started trying to do an actual loop now that I understand the take off, but I'm really having some problems with rotation. So I don't know what my deal is. I'm hoping that in the freestyle class tomorrow the coach will be able to help me figure out what's wrong.
So once I figured this edge thing out, I worked on my salchows. I've always cheated them a little bit, so I think I've got them figured out off the edge too.

I don't really have anything exciting to write about, and I should be working, so I guess that's all I've got to say for now.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Freestyle Baby

About my weekend. Saturday I had my lesson. I've been in basic 3&4 because I wanted to make sure I had that stuff down well, even though I knew I could be in freestyle. So anyway, during my lesson, my coach told me that she was going to move me up to freestyle in 2 weeks (that's the halfway mark). But she asked to see my waltz jump, and after seeing that, she went ahead and bumped me up on saturday. So, I stuck around for the freestyle class, and it turns out that I'm one of the most advanced in that. I think that my time in group lessons is about to end. The coach saturday was a sub, and he was totally worthless. I'm hoping that the actual coach for freestyle is much better. So anyway, I'm hoping they'll be able to teach me the loop and the flip. Even though I know how to do them both, I'm obviously doing something wrong since I can't actually do either one. :)

So after all of this, I stuck around for public session. My right leg has been really bothering me. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is. It hurts on the outside right above my ankle. It hurts to touch, but it also hurts to walk sometimes. I'm thinking it's a problem with my boots (they aren't the most comfortable in the world), but I'm not sure. So anyway, I tried to take it a little easy because of this, but my sister really wanted me to practice the loop, so practice I did. I've almost got a half version down (where I land on my left foot), although I'm still a little shy of a full rotation. So I'm planning on working on that some more today.

Other than that, all I have to say is I'm excited about Skating with Celebrities finale, and then women's event at Turino! Okay, time to get to work...

Friday, February 17, 2006

spining spinning spinning

Okay, so yesterday I had a great evenig at the rink, although it got off to a rough start. I made the mistake of eating sonic before I went, and then I spun and spun and spun until I thought I was going to puke. Then, they blocked off half of the rinnk for classes. So I decided to take a break and I layed down for half an hour or so and waited for my sister. Once I was feeling better I worked on some edges, some backspins and some jumps. My toe-loop is actually pretty good now, and I worked on making my salchow less swingy. My flip I got more height than I've ever gotten. So much so that I was surprised in the middle and bailed. I really think that if I could just commit to it I could land it just fine. I'm getting close, that and the loop will be my focus in freestyle.
Then at the end of the evening I worked on spinning some more. My scratch spin is getting somewhat consistent, although I still lose it at the very end. THat's not the worst thing that can happen, just means I need to cut it short. But, I would like to get it a little more solid. I finally have a sit spin, sort of. I can't get very low, but I was getting some consistent revolution which was an improvement.
I did manage to fall once on my elbow and now I have this huge bump that hurts to the touch. Last night it was hurting just to move it, so at least I've made some improvement as far as that goes.

For this weekend...I have my lesson tomorrow morning, and then public session. Then I've got some friends coming in town. Then sunday night I'm going to cook a benihana dinner for my sister and her family for her dinner (i think...I haven't verified this yet). Should be a good weekend.

Monday, February 13, 2006

spinning and jumping

Well, I didn't think I was going to get to skate today, but my evening class was cancelled, so off to the rink I went. I had a really good skate. I worked on my scratch spins, and I think I've got it figured out what I need to do with them...the only problem is convincing my body to do it. :) My backspins I can do two decent rotations reasonably I just need to keep working on that.
I broke my promise and worked on jumping today. I worked on my toe-loop. I'm working on getting more speed into it, and some more height. I also worked on my flip, although I still haven't landed it once. I just can't seem to get the rotation needed. But, I'm not going to let it worry me. I also tried to get a loop. That one just eludes me on how to get off the ice, though.
I also committed myself to som stroking excersizes...I need to get myself in shape, so everytime I skate I really need to spend some time stroking. This should also improve my comfort on the ice.

Right now I'm watching the pairs competition on my Tivo. I'm excited to see Baldwin skate, but that's really it. Okay...enough posting for me. Later.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I forgot to say that I HATE this new, women allowed to wear pants rule. It sucks...for singles it might be okay. But for pairs, there's just something about two pairs of pants out bugs me. Okay...that's all.

Lots to say

Well...I should be working on my homework, but I have alot on my mind, so I decided to post, first. :)

First of all, I forgot to write about friday night. I drug Danny and some of his friends to the rink with me. It was a really good time. It was too crowded to do alot of practicing, but I did get a couple decent scratch spins in.

Today I went skating with my sister and ally. Again, it was really crowded so I didn't get too much practice in, but I did do a little work on my toe-loops, and they seem to be improving, mildly.

I've made some decisions about my practicing. I'm going to stick to practicing the basics and spins. I'm going to stop worrying about jumping besides working on my salchow, toe-loop, and waltz-toe. When I'm ready to jump more, I'll know it. I should be moving up to the freestyle class in a couple of weeks, so I think I'll just wait until then. I do hope to be tested for bronze by this summer, though.

Now...onto the Olympics. So normally I don't really care about pair skating. But the last olympics I started watching it. And this olympics is especially exciting for me. When my sister skated her coach was John Baldwin's father. So it's very exciting for her that he made the olympics, and made olympic history with the throw-triple axel. Very exciting. Too bad they're in 6th. I thought they skated a nice program. Surely better than one of those chinese teams...I can't remember which one...the one with the torn ACL.
The other news is that Michelle Kwan withdrew. That's too bad because this is probably her last Olympics. I think it's Sasha Cohen's year, though anyway. So it will be interesting to see. Now Emily Hughes is in. I didn't get to see nationals, so I don't know how she skates. I know I'm not a fan of Sarah Hughes, though. Sarah just looks so awkward on the ice, and her legs are never straight. So anyway, I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Okay...onto my homework. *sigh*

Saturday, February 11, 2006

2nd class

I had a good lesson today. We worked on backwards edges some. Man, is that eye-opening. I am no where near as proficient at this edgework as I thought. But, now I have something to practice on. We also worked on two-foot spins, one-foot spins, and my scratch spins. That was great. My coach gave me some good tips on my spin. She told me to bend my knee slightly until I find my center, that seems to be doing some work.

After my lesson I went up to the north rink to meet my sister and niece. Well, after an hour they hadn't shown up, my foot was hurting, and I absolutely hated skating at that rink, so I left. I'm a l ittle dissapointed that I didn't get some more skate time in today, especially since I don't get to go on monday, but it's okay, because my in-laws are coming in town today, and thanks to Danny I was in bad need of a nap. So, the next time I skate will be next tuesday. That will be a spin day.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blah day

Well, today wasn't a great day at the rink. I was so excited to go skating and then I got there and was just...blah. My spins were off today, I barely did 2 decent scratch spins, and I just am not getting the sit spin thing, not to even mention the back spin. The one thing that did go well is that I practiced my new toe-loop entry, and I got that relatively quickly. The flip jump is still the bane of my existence, though. I get so frustrated when I go and I feel like I'm not making any progress.
Saturday I have my second lesson, so hopefully I can get some of this basic stuff hammered out. Then my sister, niece, and I are going skating up at the north rink.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Monday monday

So monday was my first "private lesson" with my sister. I worked alot on my scratch spins, and they are feeling much better. Now it's onto my sit spin.
She gave me a new entry for my toe-loop so I need to work on that. Last thursday I had a great day for my toe-loop and it was feeling really good. So monday wasn't a good day, and that was pretty frustrating, but I'll get it... I hope.
She also gave me some crossover patterns to work on. They didn't go so well, but I'm going to work on it, and I think I'll get it.
I left my skates to get sharpened today. So I'm nervous that when I get them I'm not going to be able to skate. So my goals for tomorrow are to work on edges and basics alot. I'm not sure I'm even going to think about jumping. Unfortunately I have class on monday, so I'm not going to be able to skate then. *sigh* But hopefully I'll get to skate twice this weekend.

On a not-skating note, I got a phone interview with a company in San Antonio. It seems like it would be a great job, I'm just not sure about spending 3 hours a day in the car. That would definately put a damper on my ice time.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

First Class

Well, Friday was my 25th birthday. I'm officially old. During the day I had tons of work to do, which sucked. That evening, Danny and I went to dinner at this Brazilian restaurant, Dona Emilia's. It was really good. Then we went to buffalo billiards and played some pool and then cap city comedy club. It was a really good night.
Yesterday I started my ice skating class yesterday. It is almost a private lesson for me because I am the most advanced in the class. The teacher helped me with my forward and backward crossovers, my edges, and my 3-turns. I think there was a chance she would've moved me straight up to the freestyle class, but unfortunately I was off my game and my 3-turns were sucking. Oh well...I think this class will be good for me and my technique.
After that Jennifer, Ally and I went skating for an hour or so, then we hung around the rink and watched a showskate competition. It was pretty interesting. I think next year 3 three of us could blow the rest of the competition away.
Last night They all took me and Danny out for my birthday. It was good times.
So, my 25th birthday turned out to be pretty good. Now I guess it's time to get started on the 2nd quarter century of my life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm back

Okay, I've decided to start updating again in preparation for Danny and I getting off of our butts and getting up and off the ground.
Right now I'm planning on using this as an ice skating diary to kinda keep track of my practices and (hopefully) progress. So I should really change the name of this blog to confessions of an adult figure skater.

So yeah. I'm almost 25 years old and I've just now decided to start skating...alongside my 8 year old niece. :) I've been working alot with my sister and I've been very surprised at how much I remember and how much I've learned. Right now I can do a salchow and a toe-loop, although I get freaked out alot on the toe-loop and it still needs some work. I'm also beginning to work on my sit-spin.

To pass the pre-bronze test I only need to be able to do 2 single jumps, a 1 foot spin, a 2-foot spin, and a spiral. All of which I can do. For the Bronze test, however, I still need 1 more single jump, a sit spin, and a 1-foot back spin. I'm close.

This weekend I'm starting lessons. I'm starting with Adult basic 3-4, and I'm anticipating being moved up to freestyle 1-2 relatively quickly.

Okay, that's enough of an update for now. I'll post more later.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


It really sucks that after 3 years, 300 miles is just now ruining friendships. :(